MATEC-WI Newsletter | May 2021

Anti-Asian Violence on the Rise, Compounding Other Health Risks Facing Asian-Americans & Pacific Islanders

A young Filipino-American woman wearing a face mask holds a protect Asian lives sign outdoors

Recent events have highlighted the severe rise in anti-Asian violence in the U.S. related to harmful rhetoric on COVID-19. These events come at a time when Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities are already facing a rise in mental health issues and enduring compounding effects from a variety of sources of stigma that ultimately affect their well-being. Stigma around one’s sexuality, around being AAPI and HIV positive, and around discussing one’s mental health are just some of the additional challenges those in AAPI communities are facing whilst enduring a global pandemic and increased instances of anti-Asian violence and hate.

Roughly 2 percent of new HIV cases were among AAPI people. Because of these relatively low numbers, AAPI individuals are often overlooked within HIV care, lending to a sense of invisibility in both being diagnosed with HIV and when engaging with other people with HIV (PWH). “We don’t see ourselves in HIV treatment or PrEP ads … or anywhere,” says Suki Terada Ports, one of Apicha Community Health Center’s founders. This invisibility also turns into skepticism from other PWH who question the presence of AAPI people in HIV/AIDS groups. AAPI “invisibility” in regard to HIV extends into the healthcare field as well. Only 17% of AAPI women have ever been tested for HIV – the lowest of all groups – despite certain factors like age, immigration status, exposure to conflict, and sexual orientation and gender identity leaving some AAPI people at particular risk of HIV. Even if AAPI HIV rates are small, they still need to be paid attention to, included, and mentioned. 

As suicide rates reach a 30-year highserious mental illness amongst AAPI young adults has almost doubled within the last 10 years. Meanwhile, language barriers, some cultural taboos around discussing one’s mental health, and a tendency to reach out to support networks instead of professionals are just some of the reasons Asian Americans are 3 times less likely to seek professional help for mental health issues. Moreover, people with HIV have a higher chance of mood, anxiety and cognitive disorders. Mental health issues can contribute to a variety of psycho-social factors such as loss of employment, trouble managing medications, and increased high risk behaviors which can create further barriers to HIV prevention and care. These hindrances to seeking care only compound the effects of the many layers of stigma and racial violence so many AAPIs experiences. It is important, that as we recognize the struggles of our Black and Brown communities, that we also not forget about other communities of color like AAPIs, who similarly continue to struggle against various forms of racism and discrimination and violence. 

National Asian and Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day – May 19, 2021


May 19 is National Asian and Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, a day devoted to eliminating HIV stigma in API communities. We can help address stigma and discrimination by being intentional and thoughtful in how we talk about people, health, and experiences. Learn how you can do your part.  #EHE #NAPIHAAD

Community Spotlight: Joy Wedel

Headshot of Joy Wedel

Joy Wedel (she/her), MS, is an Outreach Case Manager at Vivent Health in Milwaukee, WI. Wedel’s work focuses on community outreach services to re-engage and retain patients in care who have been lost to follow-up. She is drawn to this work to reduce social determinant barriers to care, to reduce discrimination and stigma, and to improve quality of life for people with HIV/AIDS to thrive in their communities. Wedel challenges her colleagues to be stewards of justice so as to improve access and outcomes for all LGBTQ+, Black, Indigenous, Latinx and Asian American/Pacific Islander (AAPI) people, who have faced incredible challenges. Wedel recognizes that for too long, people in the AAPI community have endured racism and discrimination in “reserved” silence to avoid adding yet another label to separate them from the majority culture. It is time to bring forth these AAPI experiences so that their voices are heard and can bring awareness and justice for those who have suffered in silence. Change is possible, as is working toward solidarity for all races to promote livelihood and access to services so we can be the light.

HIV/AIDS Resources for Asians and Pacific Islanders

San Francisco Community Health Center logo
San Francisco Community Health Center

Often, high levels of stigma around HIV/AIDS leave many people with HIV (PWH) undiagnosed and untreated. To end HIV/AIDS-related stigma in Asian and Pacific Islander (API) communities, the San Francisco Community Health Center (SFCHC), started The Banyan Project. The SCHC seeks to provide the highest quality health care to everyone, particularly LGBTQ+ and people of color.

It is equally important to mention the many organizations that work to provide HIV information and services for APIs: 

More HIV Prevention and Treatment Services Needed for Transgender Women

medical iconsrecent CDC report identified high levels of HIV and barriers to care among transgender women. The report also found stark racial and ethnic differences in HIV rates and significant levels poverty and homelessness among transgender women. The severe toll of social and economic factors like systemic racism and transphobia contribute to this profound burden. The findings demonstrate pressing need for scaled-up HIV prevention and care strategies for transgender women.

In the report, 4 in 10 transgender women, surveyed from 7 major U.S. cities, have HIV. Sixty-two percent of Black transwomen and 35% of Hispanic/Latina transwomen have HIV compared to 17% of White transwomen. Moreover, 42% of respondents stated they had been homeless sometime within the past year, and 66% lived at or below the poverty line. Furthermore, the report found only 32% of respondents were reportedly using PrEP. 

The CDC Director of the Division of HIV/AIDS stated “reducing HIV in these communities will require … providers of prevention services to design innovative and comprehensive status-neutral solutions to overcome barriers to whole person prevention and care.” Concerns around medical mistreatment due to experiences of transphobia, a lack of trans-inclusive marketing, and concerns about drug interactions between hormones and PrEP should also be addressed, as previous studies found these were some factors impairing HIV prevention efforts. 

Additional COVID Resources

HIV Resources

alert SAMHSA releases new Practice Guidelines for the Administration of Buprenorphine for Treating Opioid Use Disorder, removing the previously required X waiver for prescribing buprenorphine.

Upcoming Programs

Syphilis Among Men Who Have Sex with Men and Women in the United States: Racial and Regional Variance and Association with Syphilis in Women
Thursday, May 20, 2021
11:00AM-12:00PM (noon) CST
Register for Syphilis Among Men Who Have Sex with Men and Women in the United States
Hosted by MATEC-IL and the Chicago Department of Public Health
The Circles of Sexuality
Wednesday, June 9, 2021
12:00 (noon) – 1:00PM
BEYOND: The Next Level for Cultural Navigation in TGNC Health Care (3-part series)
May 20, June 3, and June 17
2:00-3:30PM CST for all
Register for Session 3
Hosted by MATEC-KS/NE, University of Kansas – Wichita School of Medicine, Trans Solutions Research and Resource Center, KC Care Health Center, St. Louis STI/HIV Prevention Training Center
HIV Update 2021: Unmasking Care for the Full Spectrum of Patients Affected by HIV, from Prevention to Treatment to Cure
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
6:00 – 8:00PM


Co-sponsored by AAHIVM and MATEC-WI

For more, check out our events, archived webinars, and Treaters Meetings

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