Program Description
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has given an “A” grade to PrEP, meaning that clinicians are recommended to offer PrEP to anyone at high risk for HIV acquisition. It’s been ten years since PrEP was first approved by the FDA. According to preliminary data from the CDC, in 2020, only 25% of people eligible for PrEP were prescribed it, and coverage dropped to 16% in first quarter of 2021. Moreover, Wisconsin lags behind national averages.
What is preventing providers from prescribing PrEP to those who could benefit from it? How do we end the HIV epidemic if such an effective, highly recommended strategy is not getting to people who could benefit from it?
Learning Objectives
In the first of two webinars, we will:
1. Examine health care provider barriers to offering PrEP to people at risk for HIV in the U.S. and in Wisconsin
2. Model skills in addressing misunderstanding, bias, and apathy among team members and colleagues.
Intended Audience
Physicians, PAs, nurses, pharmacists, and others involved in the health care of anyone who may acquire HIV.